Our credentials and accessories
Access Control means keeping some people out and letting others in. Credentials are the means to identify a person with enough certainty before deciding to let them in or not. They are used as a form of identification and can be physical, virtual or biometric data. The most secure systems use a combination of credentials.
Typically, credentials come in three types:
● Something a person has: an access card, fob, QR code,
phone, etc.
● Something a person knows: a PIN code, a password, etc.
● Something a person is: fingerprints, face, etc.
Each of these comes with limitations: a card can be lost or
stolen, a password can be shared, biometric data may not be
stored legally in some jurisdictions. This is why high
applications may require more than one type of credential
in combination: a card and a PIN code, or a mobile
linked to a fingerprint activation for instance.